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I’m actually extremely grateful that some things didn’t work out the way I once wanted them to.
Certain people you meet in life hold the key to parts of your soul you don’t even know you have.
Consistent progress. Learn and improve every day. You’ll alway look back and be thankful for the effort what you put into yourself.
You dont deserve what you dont respect.
Remember, most of yout stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone.
You have to be happy with your own company before you try to accompay someone else.
You’ll discover the importance of going forward once you’ve taken the first step.
Eerything that happens helps you grow, even if it’s hard to see right now.
Álways be kinder than necessary. What goes around comes around. No one has ever ade themselves strong by showing how small someone else is.
Jangan pernah mati-matian hanya untuk mengejar sesuatu yang tidak bisa dibawa mati. – Emha Ainun Najib
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Kamu telah mencapai batas pertemananmu yaitu 5000 !
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